Sanremo Junior, fourth time!
On 19th of February the fourth venue of great finals of competition Sanremo Junior was held at Hybernia Theatre Prague.

Competition is arranged for children singers from 6 to 15 years. Every year, ten Czech and three Slovakian finalists are chosen to be prepared for final festive concert. The preparation is led by professional artists and singers, for four months children attend intensive seminars of singing technique, motion and artistic expressivity as well as etiquette, psychohygiene and work with stage fright – led by Jana Kubankova).
During the final evening young singers have an opportunity to sing with symphonic orchestra life with conductor Martin Hybler. Winner is sent to world final to Italy in May.
This year, eleven years old Karolína Čížková won the Czech section and thirteen years old Mária Valentová Slovakian one.
Karolína Čížková Mária Valentová

This competition is not just about singing, but even more about meeting other people with various backgrounds and interests, and reaching new life experience. This year all the castings straight to this finals a boy from Children’s Home passed and excelled. He made a great motivation for those who does not come from satisfying background and also proved that if you really want something and work on it hard you can reach it.. The world finals in Italy is then not just about fancy music, but even more about meeting of all nationalities in common interest and desire, which music makes!

IMUZA presented young talents

On 2nd of October we presented a recital of two young talented performers – violinist Barbora Sulkova and pianist Martin Jozifek. Recital was organized within professional concert series in Turnov city.
Both young performers presented themselves in classical solo pieces and chamber music with Jana Kubánková and Martin Hybler. Audience of almost sold out municipal theater rewarded young musicians with warm ovations and excitement.

Our aim is to present youth to support their grown by providing more professional concert experience and raise motivation to further work. Contrary we want to present the audience young talents from their area and let them be the witnesses of their growth.
A little different seminars!
Traditional Concert to Summer Solstice. Photogallery.

Canvas waiting for author. Vladimír Véla starts painting collective work. Vladimír Véla gives instructions to first group of guests. Family group. Planair, inspiration by landscape. Beautiful family pictures came out. We were painting also during the night. Collective work of all the guests. Chapel of the rock-castle Pantheon with “ghost” of J. Jíra – a painter who used to live here.

Before the concert, waiting for the last guests. Conductor M. Hybler and TOS orchestra are opening the concert. Violinist Jana Kubánková. Guitar player Štěpán Matějka perormed whole Vivaldi Quitar Concerto. Flutist Melanie Matějka played work by Czech composer K. Borovička in world premiere. Our audience could enjoy beautiful view to the landscape during the concert. from the left: violinist J. Kubánková, guitar player Š. Matějka, flutist Melanie Matějka Final applause. Our audience.
Seminars for Meadowmount School of Music students
Between the 25th of June and 8th of July, seminars with Jana Kubánková for talented young instrumentalists – Meadowmount School of Music students were held. Seminars were held for students every day and dealed with support of motivation, concentration, self-conidence, communication, creativity and stress compensation.
Meadowmount School if Music is unique project founded in 1944 by legendary violin teacher Ivan Galamian. Find out more on official site of the school below!
Meadowmount School of Music. Just started!
On 25th of June intensive seminars with Jana Kubankova for young scholars of prestigious Meadowmount School of Music have started. Seminars are held every day and deal with supporting motivation, self – confidence, concentration, creativity and stress compensation being a key aspect for any artistic training. Seminars also support communication abilities. Seminars will run for 14 days.
Meadowmount School of Music is unique project of legendary Ivan Galamian who founded this school yet in 1944 for his students including fo example I. Perlman or P. Zukerman. The school is situated in the forest right next to the Adirondack National Park in order to provide truly calm background for musical training. Alumnies mostly have a great careers as concertmasters and leaders, world chamber group players and of course soloists.
Summer Solstice Concerts. How they were?
Summer Solstice Concerts are the concerts in the landscape so they everytime bring special experience of art and nature just be together..
This year at the evening concert we introduced great Czech clarinetist Karel Dohnal playing Harlekin by K. Stockhausen. Karel brought us an extraordinary experience not just from his playing but especially from his unbelievable dramatical performing and expression. Both children and adult could not stop laughing! The composition Harlekin is extremely difficult not just due to the technique claims but especially the dramatical aspect of the piece. . Harlekin was played under the old oak and brought even more magic!
The next day, at 6:00am the second Summer Solstice Concert was held in the landscape. We offered an orchestral program with profesional soloists – flutist Melanie Matějka, quitarist Štěpán Matějka and violinist Jana Kubánková. Fifteen year old violinist Barbora Sulková also presented herself in solo piece. We had a high number of visitors who could enjoy beautiful morning athmosphere in the nature together with music.
On saturday additional program our visitors could try painting on canvas in the open space – planair. We also offered a “Talk about the nature” with natural scientist Zdeněk Mrkáček.
We will offer you more photos and information in the next posts!
Summer Solstice Concerts. Additional information.
We are happy to meet you this saturday in the landscape behind the Turnov City at Summer Solstice Concerts! Anyway, do not expect big stage or amplified sound! Our stage is nature itself. Our event will be fragile as the nature around us is. Our aim is not to steal the space from the country but contrary to harmonise ourselves with the space, get the inspiration, peace and inner power, which people historically drew from being in the nature especially during the summer solstice period. This event is for those who desire to leave the noise and agresivity of the modern world at least for a while…
You will find the schedule of the event on the official poster on the top of this post and at the right column “Upcoming events” of this web page.
Painting workshop will be under patronate of great Czech academic painter Vladimír Véla, who will coordinate you during painting on canvas in the open space.
We reccomend to bring a blanket for sitting on the ground, also something to grill at fire, which will burn during the time between the “Talks about the nature” and an evening concert.
We are looking forward to see you!
Concerts to Summer Solstice
Concerts to summer solstice will be held on Saturday 16th of June at 19:00 and Sunday 17th of June at 6:00am in the open landscape near the Turnov city. We will also offer you additional program.
On Saturday at 19:00 we will present unique music performance Harlekin by K. Stockhausen played by extraordinary clarinetist Karel Dohnal. This composition is not just about music but also dramatic performing and motion, which make it extremely difficult so only several soloists play it. Do not wait to visit this performance and be a witness of this rare concert moment!
On Sunday at 6:00, being surrounded by beautiful athmosphere right after the sunrise, you are invited to listen to the orchestral concert of the TOS orchestra led by Martin Hybler and professional guests – flutist Melanie Sabel, guitarist Štěpán Matějka and violinist Jana Kubánková.
Within the additional program you can try painting on the canvas in the open landscape(planair) coordinated by academic painter. This non-traditional workshop will be held on saturday at 16:00. At 17:00 we will invite you to a lecture about nature with our eminent natural scientist RNDr. Zdeněk Mrkáček.
Admission to whole event optional. We look forward to meet you in the landscape!
On the video below you can enjoy music and photos from the last concert in the nature to the summer solstice: