Two Times Life

Colture Company set out on an artistic journey!

Besides the situation and restrictions. No censorship, no closure! We are opening soon also for you! In spring 2021, two online premieres will be held! 

Our team is working hard via digital waves. We work in separate teams, closed in our cities across Germany and Czechia, from Cologne and Heidelberg to Prague and Turnov. connected by skype, post-mail and ideas. 

We now live TWO TIMES LIFE, a topic of transformation. This trans-disciplinary performance was supposed to have a premiere in Heidelberg. We move now to movie form. 

An inspiration to our performance became fascinating story of ne artist Einar Wegener, who make himself re-operated as first person in the world from man to woman, fragile beautiful lili Elbe. Within our creative process we analyze the issue of male in woman and female in man as well as coexistence of both aspects in one person and vague borderline of the two sexes. 

Our grasp of topic react on past story of Einar as well as present uncovering the issue among young generation of 15+, where the number of trans-people is increasing, in matter of future we deal with depoliticzation and desocpialisation of the issue by movement to openness and transcendence.

To us, this topic is not just about changing the sex, but the more about our rigidity of our perception and judgment. The performance opens the insight to this phaenomena of diversity in unity, the everything is included in one. 

Premiere of the film from Colture Company creative process within Europe in March 2021!

How was “Being Medea”? Photogallery.

Being Medea, our project in Czech-German coproduction, which pre-premiere we organized in historical railway depot in Turnov, CZE.
What happens when we set the old myth Medea to the present context? How is waiting outside the boundary of free world? How is moving the inner basis of migrating woman?
Pre-premiere of music-theater psychological drama “Being Medea” of german script writer and reggiseur Stephan Bestier and Czech composer Martin Hybler.
composer M. Hybler, violinist J. Kubánková, actor Y. Reich and regisseur S. Bestier
An open disscussion with german guests and audience follows. We introduce our project Being Medea, basis of our cooperation right in the year of anniversary of the beginning of the II. W. War, breaking united Europe project and raising xenophobia and extreme nacionalism. After the discussion Jazz concert follows, with Martin Hybler, Ivan Hájek and Yvonne Reich.
Departure of guests after the program.

Summer Solstice Concerts. How they were?

Summer Solstice Concert, 6:00 am

Summer Solstice Concerts are the concerts in the landscape so they everytime bring special experience of art and nature just be together..

Karel Dohnal as Harlekin

This year at the evening concert we introduced great Czech clarinetist Karel Dohnal playing Harlekin by K. Stockhausen. Karel brought us an extraordinary experience not just from his playing but especially from his unbelievable dramatical performing and expression. Both children and adult could not stop laughing! The composition Harlekin is extremely difficult not just due to the technique claims but especially the dramatical aspect of the piece. . Harlekin was played under the old oak and brought even more magic!

soloists Melanie Matějka on flute, violinist Jana Kubánková, TOS orchestra conducted by Martin Hybler

The next day, at 6:00am the second Summer Solstice Concert was held in the landscape. We offered an orchestral program with profesional soloists – flutist Melanie Matějka, quitarist Štěpán Matějka and violinist Jana Kubánková. Fifteen year old violinist Barbora Sulková also presented herself in solo piece. We had a high number of visitors who could enjoy beautiful morning athmosphere in the nature together with music.

additional program – planair

On saturday additional program our visitors could try painting on canvas in the open space – planair. We also offered a “Talk about the nature” with natural scientist Zdeněk Mrkáček.

We will offer you more photos and information in the next posts!


Summer Solstice Concerts. Additional information.

official poster

We are happy to meet you this saturday in the landscape behind the Turnov City at Summer Solstice Concerts! Anyway, do not expect big stage or amplified sound! Our stage is nature itself. Our event will be fragile as the nature around us is.  Our aim is not to steal the space from the country but contrary to harmonise ourselves with the space, get the inspiration, peace and inner power, which people historically drew from being in the nature especially during the summer solstice period. This event is for those who desire to leave the noise and agresivity of the modern world at least for a while…

You will find the schedule of the event on the official poster on the top of this post and at the right column “Upcoming events” of this web page.

Painting workshop will be under patronate of great Czech academic painter Vladimír Véla, who will coordinate you during painting on canvas in the open space.

We reccomend to bring a blanket for sitting on the ground, also something to grill at fire, which will burn during the time between the “Talks about the nature” and an evening concert.

We are looking forward to see you!


iMUZA in 2018

Dear friends of artistic iniciative iMUZA!

We believe you spent peaceful and nice Christmas time and entered the New Year well!

In the following year you can be looking forward to artistic projects of iMUZA. What are we arranging for you?

New event from the popular cycle  Concerts in the Landscape in occasion of summer solstice in June.e The concert will be held within the nature, beautiful landscape of the Bohemia Paradise. Also painting workshop with academic painter will be held as a part of this event. We will also have a suprise for you – a meeting and disscusion with eminent Czech personality, a scientist dealing with the Czech landscape.

Concert for Republic. This concert will be dedicated to anniversary of 100 years of setting an independent Czech State. Concert will be held in Prague in October and eminent Czech professional musicians will perform, mainly the works of Czech contemporary authors.

In December, we will offer you traditional Concert for Christmas, held in Turnov, where the professional guest will perform together with young talented muiscians and children.

We will also offer you recitals, new artistic works, educational programs and even more. We will keep informing you about our activities on this webside during whole year.

We are looking forward to you and wish you creative year 2018!

Premiere at Spanish Hall!

We invite you to a concert at Spanish Hall, the Prague Castle, on 19. 11. 2017. A work “Ficik – Departure of Gladiators”  by Martin Hybler will be premiered.

What does the author say about this composition?

“This composition gets an inspiration from the Fucik´s Entrance of Gladiators.  Although I kept the formal concept of this composition, in my piece, everything is opposite…

Gladiator was a man, who fought in arenas to entertain inhabitants of Rome. These men occupied the lowest social levels, although being respected and adored…

Nowadays we also admire various performances, but our gladiators differ from the ancient ones, although they often serve more or less intentionally as entertainers. Our gladiators are sporstmen, actors, but also a politician. They often occupy the highest social levels, but it does not necesarilly mean that they are popular or respected. 

While the past gladiators left “the stage” right on time, some gladiators of today seem not to be able to leave and take their performance too fatally and personally. Everybody reaches a point when adequate response to the current context is impossible or it is just the context that overtakes the personality and the time of “departure” comes..


More about the concert on:

Premiere in Prague Rudolfinum

Martin Hybler invites you to the premiere of his composition  BuBli BuBliFuk (Bubble blower) for bassoon, piano and “page turner”. Concert is held on 11th of November by The Czech Double-Reed Symposium.

This piece was composed in 2012 and includes great range of new bassoon techniques. Concert and educational piece at the same time. In was chosen as a compulsory piece for basson competition of young professionals.





Artistic work by Martin Hybler

Wide approach of compositions including the range from avantgarde to educative works for children, that is the artistic work of Martin Hybler.  Rich and enriching, colourful, original and respectful to tradition at the same time. Let us kindly invite you to listen!

Visit our Music Channel situated in the main menu above and immerse in the variety of music, that sounded at such great halls as the Prague Rudolfinum or Municipal House.