A Border Bridge

How to react on closed boundaries, border lines restrictions? How to feel about quarantine, human distance, all the bans, all the “mustn’t do’s”? 

The only solution we see, in order not break our multicultural world in pieces, in building the bridge between us, the bridge of cooperation and artistic work beyond the stone houses, wooden stages, unity of time and space. 

In reaction on the situation fo corona 2020, of government bans, we are building a bridge of cross-european artistic cooperation! 

Visit our way of dialogue on the new website Colture Company

Keys of Freedom resounded Velvet Anniversary

17th of November, 2019, 30 years from the Velvet Revolution, famous victory as one point in history but thirty year journey to fight it, victory of ideals but long-term process of their realization. Polemic on social and human values, which keep the democracy healthy and functioning, discussion over the threats, risk factors and power manifestation, which lead the democratic building to fall. What really means the word freedom? How freedom bounds us to keep it alive?

dancer Šimon Kubáň, conductor Martin Hybler and IMUZA Company

We put all these layers into our Keys of Freedom, which came to light from professional artistic cooperation within our Institute freedom. We created life sequence of music, dance and visual, which offered the audience the insight to key moments of past times, key threats for democracy, key values, which constitute democracy, and experience these esthetically and emotionaly, enter the atmosphere of the time and truly feel it inside themselves…

Jana Kubánková and Daniel Mikolášek

Great composition Crux by Czech author Luboš Fišer for violin solo and percussion played by Jana Kubánková and Daniel Mikolášek opened the whole evening. This composition was written as a protest to the process of violation of nation by normalisation raising after the entrance of the Warsaw Contract Armies to our country in 1968. An authorial video by visual artist Pavel Tichoň tied up thematically. In six minutes audience could watch ver originally defined key moments of the past 50 years of politics in our country, with taste of satire and light overstatement.

IMUZA Company, Martin Hybler

Composition by Martin Hybler “Oligarch, the Globalizer” with great dance choreography of Šimon Kubáň followed. This composition was created about 14 years ago as a vision of potential threat of people entering the high leves of society and politics with aim to capture the power by their money and destroying democracy. The character of Oligarch was performed by Šimon Kubáň, played by IMUZA Company with conductor Martin Hybler.

Ten minutes of fresh old american jazz followed. Bohemia Saxophone Quartet captured the audience with great but smooth sound and beautiful musical characters. During the whole composition audience could watch a presentation of famous citations of world leading personalities about democracy. Old American jazz was an inspiration but also a symbol of freedom for our country so this performance was more than symbolic part of the programme.

Second authorial video by Pavel Tichoň followed. This work was named “Key Keys” and dealed with key human values we should open in ourselves on the way to reach freedom and democracy.

Bohemia Saxophone Quartet
IMUZA Company, v pozadí závěr videa Pavla Tichoně

At the very end of the programme an arrange of old St.Wenceslav Chorus by Martin Hybler named “Veritas vincit – Verity wins” was played by IMUZA Company, on canvas audience could see the pictures of famous and key demonstrations on Wenceslav Square in Prague as a symbol of national fight for truth and freedom.

Keys of Freedom were presented on festive evening of 30th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in city Turnov, Czech Republic.

Photos by Ester Havlová.

“The Keys of Freedom”

Key values leading to freedom? Key aspects that form democracy? Key facts from the historical path to democracy? Key crossroads to loose? Keys as demonstration? The sound of keys? Keys on the Wenceslav Square. Keys inside us? Keys of Freedom…

“The Keys of Freedom” is artistic performance, which came out from porfessional artistic cooperation in occasion of 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. Through artworks we are trying to answer related questions – to let past fights sound, make facts coloured, get threats to motion. We ask for what was happening, what is now and why. The Keys of Freedom are an abstract interpretation of our history, presence, but also hypothetic future and keep the atmosphere of issues instead of answering those.

The Keys of Freedom willbe performed at festive evening to 30th anniversary of the velvet Revolution, on 17th of November in Municipal Theater Turnov, with support of city Turnov, Turnov Center for Culture and Turnov Museum.

In the first part of the evening a panel discussion on the topic “30 years after the revolution, what’s next?” will be held.

IMUZA presented young talents

On 2nd of October we presented a recital of two young talented performers – violinist Barbora Sulkova and pianist Martin Jozifek. Recital was organized within professional concert series in Turnov city.

Both young performers presented themselves in classical solo pieces and chamber music with Jana Kubánková and Martin Hybler. Audience of almost sold out municipal theater rewarded young musicians with warm ovations and excitement.

concert program

Our aim is to present youth to support their grown by providing more professional concert experience and raise motivation to further work. Contrary we want to present the audience young talents from their area and let them be the witnesses of their growth.

Traditional Concert to Summer Solstice. Photogallery.

This year concert was held in beautiful landscape of malá Skála, rock castle of Vranov-Pantheon in Bohemian Paradise. Before the concert a fine art workshop with professional artist V. Véla was held. Our guests could try to paint on canvas in evening planar. Then our guests could oversleep in areal of old stone castle below open sky. The Concert to Summer Solstice then started at 6:00 am in beautiful atmosphere of awaking nature.
Our Fine-Art Workshop – Evening Planair, was led by professional artist Vladimir Vela. People got instructios and then could start their own artworks. Various groups such as children, adult, families and friends were painting. The point of this workshop was not just to try painting on real canvas but also create artwork to charity collection, which will support people in need.
Concert to Summer Solstice began at 6:00 am below open sky. Unique atmosphere of awaking nature around the summer solstice brings specific atmosphere to music listening. Our guests would have enjoyed works by A. Vivaldi, J. Sibelius, A. Schnittke, M. Hybler, E. Morricone.

Jewish Violin at Synagogue Turnov

On 12th of May a recital called “Jewish violin of the classical repertoire” was held at beautiful synagogue in Turnov city, CZE. Violinist Jana Kubánková and pianist Martin Hybler presented classical works by jewish authors. Audience could enjoy Sonata for violin solo by E. Schulhoff, Suite Baal Shem by Ernst Bloch, Kol Nidrei – Hebrew Melody by Max Bruch and part of the Serenade for violin and piano by Alexander Zemlinsky.