Two Times Life

Colture Company set out on an artistic journey!

Besides the situation and restrictions. No censorship, no closure! We are opening soon also for you! In spring 2021, two online premieres will be held! 

Our team is working hard via digital waves. We work in separate teams, closed in our cities across Germany and Czechia, from Cologne and Heidelberg to Prague and Turnov. connected by skype, post-mail and ideas. 

We now live TWO TIMES LIFE, a topic of transformation. This trans-disciplinary performance was supposed to have a premiere in Heidelberg. We move now to movie form. 

An inspiration to our performance became fascinating story of ne artist Einar Wegener, who make himself re-operated as first person in the world from man to woman, fragile beautiful lili Elbe. Within our creative process we analyze the issue of male in woman and female in man as well as coexistence of both aspects in one person and vague borderline of the two sexes. 

Our grasp of topic react on past story of Einar as well as present uncovering the issue among young generation of 15+, where the number of trans-people is increasing, in matter of future we deal with depoliticzation and desocpialisation of the issue by movement to openness and transcendence.

To us, this topic is not just about changing the sex, but the more about our rigidity of our perception and judgment. The performance opens the insight to this phaenomena of diversity in unity, the everything is included in one. 

Premiere of the film from Colture Company creative process within Europe in March 2021!

For Freedom and Democracy

To today´s Day of Fight for Freedom and Democracy, we attach a composition by Martin Hybler with additional scetches by Jana Kubankova – “Oligarch, the Globalizer”.

“Oligarch, the Globalizer” is utopian-“orwell” composition about  what would have happenned if such a person entered a political scene – a person being born from dirty money and political populism,  a person who buys popularity by promises and emotional quotes, person, who works for personal interests in politics instead of representing the needs of people. This visionary composition was premiered in 2006 and unfortunately it is still up to date in The Czech Republic, because our political scene is occupied but such a person…

A politics of personal interests wins. The goal of the politics of such representatives is not a citizen or state, but contrary the citizen and the state becomes the tool of these representatives to reach their own prosperity. Is this still democracy?…


Hunderd Years of Czech Independence

Jana Kubánková at the T. G. Masaryk Statue in front of Czech Embassy in Washington

On 28th of October 2018 our country celebrated a hunderd year anniversary of independence. During this time our country was really independent only for about half time of existence. The latter periods were boud with obedience to other authocratic states and doctrines during the Second World War and Communistic Era.

As a gift to this anniversary Jana Kubankova prepared special project of life performance based only on solo violin compositions written by Czech composers creating their music during this hunderd-year-era. This programme was presented by Jana this summer at solo recitals for The Czech Embassy and for The Victims of Communism Foundation in Washington DC, USA, the city, where Czechoslovakia independence was declared. 

During the concerts Jana provided life commentaries on problematic time period and politics, about composers lifes and the works played to get the audience closer to the context of this period of time. All the music did not explain but rather expressed the state of affairs and athmosphere in our country during those times.

On this occasion Martin Hybler wrote a premiere work for solo violin, “Lonely Self”, a composition dealing with the fact that freedom is inner state of human being – inner dissaproval of any obbedience to doctrine attacking human dignity; and therefore while being free, we are lonely in our self.
Authors on the programme were Ervin Schulhoff, Jaroslav Ježek, Karel Sklenička and Klement Slavický.

Wasington DC. Recital, Czech Embassy

Washington DC. Recital, Review

Washington DC., recital for The Victims of Communism Foundation


“Loosing Memory Commemoration”

On 27th of June, 1950, an extraordinary woman was assasinated by her own state. Milada Horáková was sentenced to death penalty in court process fabricated by the Communist Party. This day became a Commemoration Victims of Communism Day in The Czech Republic after the Velvet Revolution.

Milada Horáková was a lawyer, women rights defender and truly democratic personality. She was a part of government established after the second world war. In 1948 there was a Communist Coup in the Czech Government. Horáková resigned in protest. Soon she was arrested and accused of being a key personality in a fabricated plot to overthrow the regime. She became a symbol of opposition against the communistic regime due to her unbeleivable resistance and courage during the trial…

The same day, after 68 years, on 27th of June, 2018, a new government is established in our democratic Czech state. How does this new democratic government look like? The prime minister is a former agent of communistic secret police, who is furtehrmore prosecuted from the grant fraud practise. Additionaly, his party cooperates and supports KSČM(present Czech Communist Party) in order to get their votes for fullfilling his political program based mainly on reaching the advantages for his own bussines and raise of personal power. A former „communistic policemen puncher“ from the Velvet Revolution demonstrations who violated students and people demonstrating against the communists in Prague streets also became a part of this new government. Our new minister of Justice suggests to postpone the prosecution against Babiš to later times when he is not in government and let him concentrate on governing the country peacefully…

After 100 years of our independent existence and succesful struggle against the regime do we now face the comeback of the old state? Or is it rather just a great violation of this commemoration day and unjustifiable dishonor of regime victims? Every totality starts with ignorance and dishonor of important turning points and personalities of the past history. Every totalitarian regime then continues by destroying the inteligence, creativity and true personalities of independent thinking and action. In Czech this already started by social humiliation of the elite intelectuals by their own president. He also turns our foreign interests to such states as China or Russia where totality is the mainstream of everyday politics and social life. Both Czech President and the Prime Minister were elected in democratic elections. Are we loosing memory when we let such people rule over democratic state? Are we loosing critical mind by electing such people being key Czech authorities? The very end of democracy starts in our minds…  So do not forget!

…in honour to Milada Horakova.

Washington Recitals

The 21st and  22nd of June are the days of solo violin recitals played by Jana Kubánková in Washington DC.  Concerts are dedicated to 100year anniversary of Czech independence therefore music by authors composing during those hunderd years is on the programs. You will hear works by Ervín Schulhoff, Karel Sklenička, Klement Slavický, Jan Hanuš and Jaroslav Ježek. There is also a world premiere of solo violin composition “Lonely Self” written by Martin Hybler.

First concert is based at The Embassy of the Czech Republic. Second one is held in the Dupont Underground, great contemporary art space. This concert will remind us the communistic era in Czech and present authors writting during this era. There is also an exhibition of fine art created under the regime called Free2Be. At this concert, a venezuelan violinist Wuily Arteaga will perform. During the demostrations against the venezuelan regime he literally defended his country with violin in his hands…

Czech premiere of the Graal Theatre Review

Review on the Czech premiere of Violin concerto “Graal Theatre” written by great finnish composer Kaija Saariaho premiered by violinist Jana Kubánková accompanied by the Berg Orchestra – read on the following link to the eminent Czech musical magazine “Harmonie” (after opening the link kindly switch the site into english and the article will immediately translate to english):

Review, Graal theatre

Jana Kubánková and Berg Orchestra

Recital Review

Our end of May was mainly about solo recitals.

On Friday 25th of May Jana Kubánková and Martin Hybler held their concert at Valdstejn Castle, inconic Czech sightseeing situated on the sandstone rocks in the natural heritage Bohemia Paradise.  Great works by J. S. Bach, W. A. Mozart, E. Schulhoff, O. Messiaen were played. Jana commented the concert herself to provide the audience context of particular compositions, atmosphere was therefore very open and nice. Right after the concert visitors also had a chance to listen to the old organ in Jan Nepomucký Chapel in the castle.

On sunday 27th of May, at beautiful Synagogue in Jičín city, Jana Kubánková presented her recital called “Jewish violin of the classical repertoire”, based mainly on the solo violin works of the 20th century. This concert was very special.. Jewish synagogue in Jičín is very magical space and when classical music of 20th century enters and brings all the  stories of ist authors, then history becomes very present and people understand not just racionally but emotionally. At this concert Jana also told the stories of the music played and the audience became very open and personal to this kind of music. At the end of the concert  prolonged applause sounded the space of synagogue.


When does the end start?

When president attacks public media, when this same person calls demonstrated students “poor souls”; when parliament is able to elect former communistic “policemen puncher” from Velvet demonstrations in 1989 to the head of the main control institution of the “General Inspection of the Safety Corps”; when the prime minister is being accepted while being criminally prosecuted and being former communist secret police agent; when the word democracy is used and abused by undemocratic politicians as a tool of manipulation against the democratic ones; when journalists are killed for revealing the truth; when foreign politics of democratic state deepen cooperation with undemocratic regimes; when communist politician can call others “democratic septic”; when people who disagree with political top is called enemy of democracy although the right to disagree is privilege of democracy; when the political top cares just of their own interests with no respect to state law, constitution and make an important decisions and interruptions in political apparatus although being in demission state; when political top divide the nation in implacable parts; when they transmit hate; when they twist clear terms to unusable words so that it is not possible to work with them and the truth is about to be lost; when the quotes of the most democratic icons of our political past are abused and twisted to the new context by undemocratic personalities so that they would be recognized as democrats…
…then the end starts. The end of democracy.

Jana Kubánková

On Czech Presidential Election…

Czech votes for the politics of lies and manipulation. Czech chooses populistic cheap shots instead of arguments based on verified information. Instead of being truly free and lead ourselves through racional thinking to political change Czech tends to vote for the autocrats using the tools of former pre-revolutionary structures. We are in a democratic state, we still live good lifes. We do not suffer from hunger or war. We posses freedom, we enjoy prosperity and we are safe. Still we are not able to grow mentally to create cultivated political background and choose our representatives according to health mind.

Inconsiderable part of Czech society is not able to work with information. They do not think critically, but just consumes the information in the most simle way with no need of understanding the broader context of particular issues. Racionality is bound with good education, ability of critical thinking and open minded attitude then grows in satisfactory, supportive and open background. People being educated poorly, socially and materially weak, but also satisfied people, educated but staying passive to information, therefore usually don´t vote according to the racional arguments, but “the heart”. Their candidate is simple and radical, understandable and identifies with them by acting as “ordinary person as they are”. This person works with emotions and manipulates wisely with peoples fears, frustrations and irracionality. This person uses his political experience and abilities to fulfil his own interests and desires to raise his influence and power both on political and individual level. He does not open equal dialogue and when needed, he ignores even elementary human politeness, inner moral rules, sometimes even the law.

We now harvest the crop of our deep centralization and lack of cultural, social and economical balance between the main cities and regions. We harvest the crop of our unsatisfactory educational system based mainly on obeying the authorities, passive consuming the information and memorizing, and finally being judged and marked according to how well and much we were able just to “repeat the memorized”. We harvest the crop of our mass simple culture, where the art as a life space to create and cultivate the values is exchanged to simple loud, rude and invasive entertainment of the raw meat. We then easily go under the rude, invasive, raw and simple manifestation of power, strenght and promise. We still vote for the “culture of raw meat” even when having living chance to choose true, inteligence, transparency and dignity. The change hurts. We are turning back in our growth which, in the end, will hurt even more…

Jana Kubánková