“Darkness Structures”

Power structures are like darkness – visibly invisible, uncatchable, untouchable; having no contures, no shapes. They are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The borders are hidden. Such power structures are soft and amorphous, they will penetrate everywhere – like the darkness. These power structures make their real characters and their intentions unclear. They are more problematic, they are hard to define, hard to catch in words and hands, hard to oppose. They are in close proximity. Everywhere we move in everything we do there is an element of power structure, the shadow of darkness.

Fear of the power structures is same as the fobia from darkness. Dark is unfair enemy, having no face so that we could hit it, talk to it or even arouse compassion.

We all are in darkness in our self. Darkness is fear and uncertainty, doubts. Darkness is also our most personal space, space of delving into the pure self, space of no distrurb concentration by visual and surrounding world of perception. Darkness is a space of revealing the truth. I am in the darkness means I am deep in my soul and I can see the truth. We meet face to face in darkness with the power structures. What are we talking about together there?

„You are person. You are personal to yourself. Your final purpose is you. I am power structure. My final purpose is my power. You are just a tool to reach my purposes. You have your love and pains. I have you just as a body with cardiac muscle and nerves. You have your name, I have your evidence number. You are uniform cell in the system agregate.“

Power structures disrupt personal structures by unpersonalizing personal. In power structures, personality is reduced to object. Power structures negate human authenticity, human freedom. Human is not a final purpose anymore, but just a tool to reach other purposes, the purposes of power structures.

The power structures distribute reward of time and injustice of work. They precisely organize our opportinities and limits, define the character of our freedom, feed us by abundance of conveniencies. They put us masks on, giving us roles. We slowly get to distance from ourselves. We fall into darkness. We become passive, because we have no choice. We are falling asleep and we feel safely, because dark is also our personal safe space. We are taken care of and sleep in a square space of objective world, tired from work and sated by material conveniencies. We have everything. But do not dare to wake up!

Soon you realize your freedom is false, you live within precise framework planned in advance for you, you are a puppet of power structures, you are caught in a box with no exit.

Then everything that does not fit in square, your identity, your humanity, your art, will start screaming and beating on the walls trying to get out of the darkness to light, of the masks to nakedness which will not be shame but rescue.

Jana Kubankova



Premiere at Spanish Hall!

We invite you to a concert at Spanish Hall, the Prague Castle, on 19. 11. 2017. A work “Ficik – Departure of Gladiators”  by Martin Hybler will be premiered.

What does the author say about this composition?

“This composition gets an inspiration from the Fucik´s Entrance of Gladiators.  Although I kept the formal concept of this composition, in my piece, everything is opposite…

Gladiator was a man, who fought in arenas to entertain inhabitants of Rome. These men occupied the lowest social levels, although being respected and adored…

Nowadays we also admire various performances, but our gladiators differ from the ancient ones, although they often serve more or less intentionally as entertainers. Our gladiators are sporstmen, actors, but also a politician. They often occupy the highest social levels, but it does not necesarilly mean that they are popular or respected. 

While the past gladiators left “the stage” right on time, some gladiators of today seem not to be able to leave and take their performance too fatally and personally. Everybody reaches a point when adequate response to the current context is impossible or it is just the context that overtakes the personality and the time of “departure” comes..


More about the concert on:


Premiere in Prague Rudolfinum

Martin Hybler invites you to the premiere of his composition  BuBli BuBliFuk (Bubble blower) for bassoon, piano and “page turner”. Concert is held on 11th of November by The Czech Double-Reed Symposium.

This piece was composed in 2012 and includes great range of new bassoon techniques. Concert and educational piece at the same time. In was chosen as a compulsory piece for basson competition of young professionals.





Artistic work by Martin Hybler

Wide approach of compositions including the range from avantgarde to educative works for children, that is the artistic work of Martin Hybler.  Rich and enriching, colourful, original and respectful to tradition at the same time. Let us kindly invite you to listen!

Visit our Music Channel situated in the main menu above and immerse in the variety of music, that sounded at such great halls as the Prague Rudolfinum or Municipal House.

Inspiration “Nature”

My home is nature. Even your home is nature. We came from the nature and we will get back much faster than we expect. Our time is short. Compared to the life-time of living nature in this planet our life-time is ridiculous.  Our body remembers the time of being in the sea. We tend to spend much time at the sea, we love being huged by smooth waters. When being children we run to hide in the safe tree tops, we love to be stroken by sunbeam. Nature is huge and still generous to us while we are small by thinking being bigger than nature.

Nature is a kind home, kind host to its indecent  occupants. For how long will the nature be patient with us? We should care of the nature as to the basis and major premise of human being existence so that we would not become just a visitors in our home who will not be suffered any longer…

Martin Hybler and artistic work for children

Did you know, that Martin is a great composer for children? He created beautiful cycles and songs both for smaller and older children.

These compositions have an educational basis. It is played well and easy but also carry interesting stories and ideas. They all are composed so that the children would learn and grow by playing them.

The Czech Radio took the aegis under several of these works and included it into the ZUŠ edition (edition for elementary music school). In case of interest in buying or just reading through visit following link:

Edice ZUŠ, Český Rozhlas

If you would like just to listen to some song for children choir, visit our Music Channel or click on following link:

In memoriam Jan Patočka

Enjoy the world premiere of the composition dedicated to eminent Czech philosopher and great freedom fighter, Jan Patočka. The concert was held in his birthplace – city Turnov,  in occasion of 40th anniversary of death of this personality.

The Opening is sometimes nice little Play

It is now a second Opening Performance we created together with Martin for the opening ceremony of the theatre festivat The Blue Cat.

We had a very har rival – the topic of this was namely a sport! What happens when sport enters the stage and becomes a tool of expression of artists and who finally wins, kindly judge yourself by watching following video: