Besides the situation and restrictions. No censorship, no closure! We are opening soon also for you! In spring 2021, two online premieres will be held!
Our team is working hard via digital waves. We work in separate teams, closed in our cities across Germany and Czechia, from Cologne and Heidelberg to Prague and Turnov. connected by skype, post-mail and ideas.
We now live TWO TIMES LIFE, a topic of transformation. This trans-disciplinary performance was supposed to have a premiere in Heidelberg. We move now to movie form.
An inspiration to our performance became fascinating story of ne artist Einar Wegener, who make himself re-operated as first person in the world from man to woman, fragile beautiful lili Elbe. Within our creative process we analyze the issue of male in woman and female in man as well as coexistence of both aspects in one person and vague borderline of the two sexes.
Our grasp of topic react on past story of Einar as well as present uncovering the issue among young generation of 15+, where the number of trans-people is increasing, in matter of future we deal with depoliticzation and desocpialisation of the issue by movement to openness and transcendence.
To us, this topic is not just about changing the sex, but the more about our rigidity of our perception and judgment. The performance opens the insight to this phaenomena of diversity in unity, the everything is included in one.
Premiere of the film from Colture Company creative process within Europe in March 2021!
After succesful fall performances in Czechia and Germany we are pleased to present Being Medea performance at prestigious Fringe Festival in Duisburg, Germany.
Due to coronavirus bans the festival was postponed from planned August session to October. During August, an online sketches and invitations to performances will be offered on official website of Fringe festival.
Being Medea is authorial work of german scriptwriter and reggiseur Stephan Bestier and czech composer Martin Hybler. This psychological drama provides the audience the insight to the soul of migrating women, their relationship with their past and homeland, attitude to presence at the doors of new country, their relatonship to themelves. Personality of Jason is presented unique way – by nonverbal musical language of solo oboe and its expressive potential.
Women world is provided behind the fence to the audience. Contrary free Jason is moving throughout our free space within the audience and in virtuoso cadenzas straight communicates with people in audience.
In Medea roles are starring german actresses Yvonne Reich, Johanna Withalm a Natalie Renaud-Claus. Jason is played by excellent oboe player Vilém Veverka.
On 23th and 24th of November two premiere performances of theater-play Being Medea was held within the festival Kunsttage Dresden, in completely sold out space of industrial zone Sektor Evolution. Project was supported by Czech-German Fund for Future.
Being Medea is authorial work of german scriptwriter and reggiseur Stephan Bestier and czech composer Martin Hybler. This psychological drama provides the audience the insight to the soul of migrationg women, their relationship with their past and homeland, attitude to presence at the doors of new country, their relatonship to themelves. Personality of Jason is presented unique way – by nonverbal musical language of solo oboe and its expressive potential.
Women world is provided behind the fence to the audience. Contrary free Jason is moving throughout our free space within the audience and in virtuoso cadenzas straight communicates with people in audience.
In Medea roles stared german actresses Yvonne Reich, Johanna Withalm a Natalie Renaud-Claus. Jason was played by excellent oboe player Vilém Veverka.
17th of November, 2019, 30 years from the Velvet Revolution, famous victory as one point in history but thirty year journey to fight it, victory of ideals but long-term process of their realization. Polemic on social and human values, which keep the democracy healthy and functioning, discussion over the threats, risk factors and power manifestation, which lead the democratic building to fall. What really means the word freedom? How freedom bounds us to keep it alive?
dancer Šimon Kubáň, conductor Martin Hybler and IMUZA Company
We put all these layers into our Keys of Freedom, which came to light from professional artistic cooperation within our Institute freedom. We created life sequence of music, dance and visual, which offered the audience the insight to key moments of past times, key threats for democracy, key values, which constitute democracy, and experience these esthetically and emotionaly, enter the atmosphere of the time and truly feel it inside themselves…
Jana Kubánková and Daniel Mikolášek
Great composition Crux by Czech author Luboš Fišer for violin solo and percussion played by Jana Kubánková and Daniel Mikolášek opened the whole evening. This composition was written as a protest to the process of violation of nation by normalisation raising after the entrance of the Warsaw Contract Armies to our country in 1968. An authorial video by visual artist Pavel Tichoň tied up thematically. In six minutes audience could watch ver originally defined key moments of the past 50 years of politics in our country, with taste of satire and light overstatement.
IMUZA Company, Martin Hybler
Composition by Martin Hybler “Oligarch, the Globalizer” with great dance choreography of Šimon Kubáň followed. This composition was created about 14 years ago as a vision of potential threat of people entering the high leves of society and politics with aim to capture the power by their money and destroying democracy. The character of Oligarch was performed by Šimon Kubáň, played by IMUZA Company with conductor Martin Hybler.
Ten minutes of fresh old american jazz followed. Bohemia Saxophone Quartet captured the audience with great but smooth sound and beautiful musical characters. During the whole composition audience could watch a presentation of famous citations of world leading personalities about democracy. Old American jazz was an inspiration but also a symbol of freedom for our country so this performance was more than symbolic part of the programme.
Second authorial video by Pavel Tichoň followed. This work was named “Key Keys” and dealed with key human values we should open in ourselves on the way to reach freedom and democracy.
Bohemia Saxophone QuartetIMUZA Company, v pozadí závěr videa Pavla Tichoně
At the very end of the programme an arrange of old St.Wenceslav Chorus by Martin Hybler named “Veritas vincit – Verity wins” was played by IMUZA Company, on canvas audience could see the pictures of famous and key demonstrations on Wenceslav Square in Prague as a symbol of national fight for truth and freedom.
Keys of Freedom were presented on festive evening of 30th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in city Turnov, Czech Republic.
One Medea, three women, old mythos, present context.
How are the feelings of migrating woman? A woman who leaves everything for a dream of a new life in new country, who leaves everything for her man so that till then she would do nothing but wait? How her reactions change with her age? How is it to wait straight at the boundary to free world which does not open the doors? Exquisite actresses will lead you straight to the soul of migrating women.
Yvonne Reich, Johanna Withalm, Natalie Renaud-Claus
Yvonne Reich, Johanna Withalm, Natalie Renaud-Claus
Jason. Embodiment of new dynamic promissing and progressive world. Jason, a man of Medea’s heart. Jason, a father of Medea’s son.
Jason as an extraordinary oboe player, who never says a word but express himself by musical words of his oboe and by nonverbal scenic action.
Jason, his inner feelings and desires coming out in lyrical melodies, avantgarde cadenzas but also free improvisation with jazz and ambient esprit. Exquisite oboe player staring at the role of Jason.
Vilém Veverka
Vilem Veverka
Unique authorial cooperation of german scenarist and stage manager Stephan Bestier and czech composer Martin Hybler.
Premiere performances will take place on 23th and 24th of November at 8 pm in Sektor Evolution in Dresden, Germany.
Natalie Renaud-Claus, Vilem Veverka
Project was kindly supported by German-Czech Fund for Future.
Key values leading to freedom? Key aspects that form democracy? Key facts from the historical path to democracy? Key crossroads to loose? Keys as demonstration? The sound of keys? Keys on the Wenceslav Square. Keys inside us? Keys of Freedom…
“The Keys of Freedom” is artistic performance, which came out from porfessional artistic cooperation in occasion of 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. Through artworks we are trying to answer related questions – to let past fights sound, make facts coloured, get threats to motion. We ask for what was happening, what is now and why. The Keys of Freedom are an abstract interpretation of our history, presence, but also hypothetic future and keep the atmosphere of issues instead of answering those.
The Keys of Freedom willbe performed at festive evening to 30th anniversary of the velvet Revolution, on 17th of November in Municipal Theater Turnov, with support of city Turnov, Turnov Center for Culture and Turnov Museum.
In the first part of the evening a panel discussion on the topic “30 years after the revolution, what’s next?” will be held.
International Artistic project of Czech – German cooperation right on anniversary of the beginning of the II. W. War and 30 years from end of The Iron Curtain… Topic of emigration, minority, waiting right behind the walls of free world which does not open the door…
A Music-Theatre-Play by excellent German scriptwriter and stage manager Stephan Bestier and Czech music composer Martin Hybler.
Being Medea, our project in Czech-German coproduction, which pre-premiere we organized in historical railway depot in Turnov, CZE.
before the performance. from left: translator A. Koutská, reggiseur S. Bestier, composer M. Hybler
preparations of the space
departure of the special train for performance guests and audience coming from the city main station
arrival of the last guests
old depot exterior
What happens when we set the old myth Medea to the present context? How is waiting outside the boundary of free world? How is moving the inner basis of migrating woman? Pre-premiere of music-theater psychological drama “Being Medea” of german script writer and reggiseur Stephan Bestier and Czech composer Martin Hybler.
composer M. Hybler, violinist J. Kubánková, actor Y. Reich and regisseur S. Bestier An open disscussion with german guests and audience follows. We introduce our project Being Medea, basis of our cooperation right in the year of anniversary of the beginning of the II. W. War, breaking united Europe project and raising xenophobia and extreme nacionalism. After the discussion Jazz concert follows, with Martin Hybler, Ivan Hájek and Yvonne Reich.
disscussion, from left, translator A. Koutská, regisseur S. Bestier and actor Y. Reich