Key values leading to freedom? Key aspects that form democracy? Key facts from the historical path to democracy? Key crossroads to loose? Keys as demonstration? The sound of keys? Keys on the Wenceslav Square. Keys inside us? Keys of Freedom…
“The Keys of Freedom” is artistic performance, which came out from porfessional artistic cooperation in occasion of 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. Through artworks we are trying to answer related questions – to let past fights sound, make facts coloured, get threats to motion. We ask for what was happening, what is now and why. The Keys of Freedom are an abstract interpretation of our history, presence, but also hypothetic future and keep the atmosphere of issues instead of answering those.

The Keys of Freedom willbe performed at festive evening to 30th anniversary of the velvet Revolution, on 17th of November in Municipal Theater Turnov, with support of city Turnov, Turnov Center for Culture and Turnov Museum.
In the first part of the evening a panel discussion on the topic “30 years after the revolution, what’s next?” will be held.