Being Medea?

“Mythic story of Medea in present context. Original work with the question of migration and migrating women. What is necessary to leave both outside and inside and what is left? How to manage new life in new culture as a stranger? How does it influence particular action?”

Being Medea is authorial psychological Music-Theater Drama of excelent German stage manager Stephan Bestier and Czech composer Martin Hybler. On a background of the old myth Medea, this up to date drama deals with such topics as migration, multicultural communication and missunderstanding. The role of Medea will be played by great German singer and actor Yvonne Reich.

Pre-premiere is held on Friday, 7th of June in Turnov city, CZE.

Premiere of the drama is held on 22nd of November, Sektor Dresden, Dresden, GER

Follow this link to learn more about the project

Míša likes Tennis

On 7th of May a Private View to Exhibition Michaela Vélová Maupicová” was held at Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace in Prague.

Audience could listen to free improvisation on michaelaś pictures from the cycle Compositions and Oriments played by violinist Jana Kubánková and basoon player Tomáš Františ. At the end a premiere of composition Miša likes Tennis by Martin Hybler was played by both players. This composition was specially composed in this occasion and drew an inspiration from the fact, that this brilliant fine artist used to train the tennis and watching world tennis during her fatal disease contests brought her fun and motivation to get healthy and play again – for fun…

Exhibition is open until 25th of August, 2019.

Exhibition, Monography, Composition, by Michaela Maupicova

“Compositions” IV., 120x100cm, acrylic on canvas, 2017

On 7th of May, a private view to exhibition of one of the best Czech painters Michaela Maupicova is held at Colloredo-Mansfeldsky Palace in Prague. This extraordinary woman created mauch original artistic work including paintings, graphics and installations. Michaela passed away at the age of thirty-six, but she left an extraordinary, inspiration and interesting work behind… At the private view a presentation of new monographs of Michaela’s artistic work will be held. Also an original music production will be included – violinist Jana Kubánková and bassoon player Tomáš Františ will play “prepared improvisation” on Michaelaś paintings from the cycle “Compositions”. At the very end a premiere composition for violin and bassoon written by Martin Hybler called “Unfinished Tennis Gem” will be presented specially for this occasion. 

Official website of the exhibition

The work of this prematurely deceased artist will be presented an exhibition prepared by the team of her colleagues from Prague City Gallery and the curator Petr Vaňous. This “artist and painter, sometimes reaching out to the object, installation and new media, has developed her own distinctive artistic expression consisting of ‘abstracted storytelling’, which can be described as existential. Michaela Maupicová’s drawings represent a spontaneously multiplying, restless, all-absorbing ornament, sometimes disciplined into symmetrical systems, sometimes running and spilling randomly over and outside the format, or expanding directly into space. Here there is an order in randomness, an enlargement that in a model situation of the given unifying element and its multiplication allows us to see our analogous idea of what is happening outside and inside of us.“ 

quoted from the source GHMP

Martin Hybler at Prague Spring International Festival 2019

SOUND-TELESCOPE, op. 42, new composition for solo oboe was specially written by Martin Hybler as commisioned work for 71. Venue of Prague Spring International Competition 2019.

Sound-Telescope is a composition which offers classical oboe technique but even more motivates players to find new ways of expressivity and instrument potential. This piece is partly scenic. Within the composition performer changes the posture according to particular marks to express horizont or space observation. There is also cadenza included which is written as a graphic score with various graphic material offered for free creative preparation by performer. 

This composition have already studied fifty performers, only twelve of them will have a chance to present it during the second round of the competition on 11.5. 2019 in Lichtenstein Palace, Prague. Composition was published by Čro and publishing was supported by Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung.

Official websites of competition

Official website of Martin Hybler

For Freedom and Democracy

To today´s Day of Fight for Freedom and Democracy, we attach a composition by Martin Hybler with additional scetches by Jana Kubankova – “Oligarch, the Globalizer”.

“Oligarch, the Globalizer” is utopian-“orwell” composition about  what would have happenned if such a person entered a political scene – a person being born from dirty money and political populism,  a person who buys popularity by promises and emotional quotes, person, who works for personal interests in politics instead of representing the needs of people. This visionary composition was premiered in 2006 and unfortunately it is still up to date in The Czech Republic, because our political scene is occupied but such a person…

A politics of personal interests wins. The goal of the politics of such representatives is not a citizen or state, but contrary the citizen and the state becomes the tool of these representatives to reach their own prosperity. Is this still democracy?…


Birds of The Bohemian Paradise in music

On 24th of April a presentation of new book “Birds of Bohemian Paradise Rock Cities” by Czech eminent ornitologist RNDr. Zdeněk Mrkáček, cooperating with Mr. Karel Broulík. This book collects surveys of bird kinds nesting and living throughout the rock complexes in the Bohemian Paradise.  This presentation evening was accompanied by beautiful photo slides with piano improvisation by Martin Hybler.

Elementary melodies in Bohemian Paradise birds singing

Martin  cooperates with Mr. Mrkáček about ten years. Together with creating original improvisations and music to his photos he mainly works on notographic marking of the Bohemian Paradise birds singing and communication. Some elementary outcomes were already published in popular book of Zdeněk Mrkáček Birds of The Bohemia Paradise(2011) with CD of life records of birds singing included.

Once you visit natural beauties of The Bohemian Paradise you probably stop at one of many informational panels with educational texts and photographies. At many of these you will find the name of Zdeněk Mrkáček!

In the following video ou can enjoy record of the life presentation of the photographies from Zdeněk Mrkáček´s book together with life improvisation being created by Martin Hybler right on stage!


Between illusion and reality

Today it is 70th anniversary of definite triumph of the communists in our country and the door of democracy were violently closed. The time of persecution and rewriting the reality had begun. To this painful anniversary we attach a composition of Martin Hybler “Between illusion and reality”.

“December Concert Successes” of Martin Hybler

Orchestra of The Czech National Guard, conductor V. Blahunek, Martin Hybler

In december we could visit a premiere of Martin Hybler´s composition – Ficik, The Departure of Gladiators in the Spanish Hall of The Prague Castle. The work was performed by great brass and woodwind orchestra of the Czech National Guard, Václav Blahunek conducted. You can find more about this composition in our november posts archive:

November Archive

Next important events were two performances of Martin´s Concerto for oboe and orchestra, at new concert hall of the Hradec Králové Philharmony and Prague. Oboe was performed by remarkable Vilém Veverka, accompanied by Hradec Králové Philharmonic Orchestra with conductor Miriam Němcová.


Winter solstice has begun. We are now in the darkest days of the year. Martin Hybler dedicated one of his composition to this period. It is called Through solstice written for solo flute, guitar and strings. Listen to the following recording…