Being Medea, our project in Czech-German coproduction, which pre-premiere we organized in historical railway depot in Turnov, CZE.
before the performance. from left: translator A. Koutská, reggiseur S. Bestier, composer M. Hybler
preparations of the space
departure of the special train for performance guests and audience coming from the city main station
arrival of the last guests
old depot exterior
What happens when we set the old myth Medea to the present context? How is waiting outside the boundary of free world? How is moving the inner basis of migrating woman? Pre-premiere of music-theater psychological drama “Being Medea” of german script writer and reggiseur Stephan Bestier and Czech composer Martin Hybler.
composer M. Hybler, violinist J. Kubánková, actor Y. Reich and regisseur S. Bestier An open disscussion with german guests and audience follows. We introduce our project Being Medea, basis of our cooperation right in the year of anniversary of the beginning of the II. W. War, breaking united Europe project and raising xenophobia and extreme nacionalism. After the discussion Jazz concert follows, with Martin Hybler, Ivan Hájek and Yvonne Reich.
disscussion, from left, translator A. Koutská, regisseur S. Bestier and actor Y. Reich