Concerts to summer solstice will be held on Saturday 16th of June at 19:00 and Sunday 17th of June at 6:00am in the open landscape near the Turnov city. We will also offer you additional program.

On Saturday at 19:00 we will present unique music performance Harlekin by K. Stockhausen played by extraordinary clarinetist Karel Dohnal. This composition is not just about music but also dramatic performing and motion, which make it extremely difficult so only several soloists play it. Do not wait to visit this performance and be a witness of this rare concert moment!
On Sunday at 6:00, being surrounded by beautiful athmosphere right after the sunrise, you are invited to listen to the orchestral concert of the TOS orchestra led by Martin Hybler and professional guests – flutist Melanie Sabel, guitarist Štěpán Matějka and violinist Jana Kubánková.
Within the additional program you can try painting on the canvas in the open landscape(planair) coordinated by academic painter. This non-traditional workshop will be held on saturday at 16:00. At 17:00 we will invite you to a lecture about nature with our eminent natural scientist RNDr. Zdeněk Mrkáček.
Admission to whole event optional. We look forward to meet you in the landscape!
On the video below you can enjoy music and photos from the last concert in the nature to the summer solstice: