“Loosing Memory Commemoration”

On 27th of June, 1950, an extraordinary woman was assasinated by her own state. Milada Horáková was sentenced to death penalty in court process fabricated by the Communist Party. This day became a Commemoration Victims of Communism Day in The Czech Republic after the Velvet Revolution.

Milada Horáková was a lawyer, women rights defender and truly democratic personality. She was a part of government established after the second world war. In 1948 there was a Communist Coup in the Czech Government. Horáková resigned in protest. Soon she was arrested and accused of being a key personality in a fabricated plot to overthrow the regime. She became a symbol of opposition against the communistic regime due to her unbeleivable resistance and courage during the trial…

The same day, after 68 years, on 27th of June, 2018, a new government is established in our democratic Czech state. How does this new democratic government look like? The prime minister is a former agent of communistic secret police, who is furtehrmore prosecuted from the grant fraud practise. Additionaly, his party cooperates and supports KSČM(present Czech Communist Party) in order to get their votes for fullfilling his political program based mainly on reaching the advantages for his own bussines and raise of personal power. A former „communistic policemen puncher“ from the Velvet Revolution demonstrations who violated students and people demonstrating against the communists in Prague streets also became a part of this new government. Our new minister of Justice suggests to postpone the prosecution against Babiš to later times when he is not in government and let him concentrate on governing the country peacefully…

After 100 years of our independent existence and succesful struggle against the regime do we now face the comeback of the old state? Or is it rather just a great violation of this commemoration day and unjustifiable dishonor of regime victims? Every totality starts with ignorance and dishonor of important turning points and personalities of the past history. Every totalitarian regime then continues by destroying the inteligence, creativity and true personalities of independent thinking and action. In Czech this already started by social humiliation of the elite intelectuals by their own president. He also turns our foreign interests to such states as China or Russia where totality is the mainstream of everyday politics and social life. Both Czech President and the Prime Minister were elected in democratic elections. Are we loosing memory when we let such people rule over democratic state? Are we loosing critical mind by electing such people being key Czech authorities? The very end of democracy starts in our minds…  So do not forget!

…in honour to Milada Horakova.