On 24th of April a presentation of new book “Birds of Bohemian Paradise Rock Cities” by Czech eminent ornitologist RNDr. Zdeněk Mrkáček, cooperating with Mr. Karel Broulík. This book collects surveys of bird kinds nesting and living throughout the rock complexes in the Bohemian Paradise. This presentation evening was accompanied by beautiful photo slides with piano improvisation by Martin Hybler.

Martin cooperates with Mr. Mrkáček about ten years. Together with creating original improvisations and music to his photos he mainly works on notographic marking of the Bohemian Paradise birds singing and communication. Some elementary outcomes were already published in popular book of Zdeněk Mrkáček Birds of The Bohemia Paradise(2011) with CD of life records of birds singing included.
Once you visit natural beauties of The Bohemian Paradise you probably stop at one of many informational panels with educational texts and photographies. At many of these you will find the name of Zdeněk Mrkáček!
In the following video ou can enjoy record of the life presentation of the photographies from Zdeněk Mrkáček´s book together with life improvisation being created by Martin Hybler right on stage!