Colture Company set out on an artistic journey!
Besides the situation and restrictions. No censorship, no closure! We are opening soon also for you! In spring 2021, two online premieres will be held!

Our team is working hard via digital waves. We work in separate teams, closed in our cities across Germany and Czechia, from Cologne and Heidelberg to Prague and Turnov. connected by skype, post-mail and ideas.
We now live TWO TIMES LIFE, a topic of transformation. This trans-disciplinary performance was supposed to have a premiere in Heidelberg. We move now to movie form.

An inspiration to our performance became fascinating story of ne artist Einar Wegener, who make himself re-operated as first person in the world from man to woman, fragile beautiful lili Elbe. Within our creative process we analyze the issue of male in woman and female in man as well as coexistence of both aspects in one person and vague borderline of the two sexes.
Our grasp of topic react on past story of Einar as well as present uncovering the issue among young generation of 15+, where the number of trans-people is increasing, in matter of future we deal with depoliticzation and desocpialisation of the issue by movement to openness and transcendence.
To us, this topic is not just about changing the sex, but the more about our rigidity of our perception and judgment. The performance opens the insight to this phaenomena of diversity in unity, the everything is included in one.
Premiere of the film from Colture Company creative process within Europe in March 2021!