On 28th of October 2018 our country celebrated a hunderd year anniversary of independence. During this time our country was really independent only for about half time of existence. The latter periods were boud with obedience to other authocratic states and doctrines during the Second World War and Communistic Era.
As a gift to this anniversary Jana Kubankova prepared special project of life performance based only on solo violin compositions written by Czech composers creating their music during this hunderd-year-era. This programme was presented by Jana this summer at solo recitals for The Czech Embassy and for The Victims of Communism Foundation in Washington DC, USA, the city, where Czechoslovakia independence was declared.
During the concerts Jana provided life commentaries on problematic time period and politics, about composers lifes and the works played to get the audience closer to the context of this period of time. All the music did not explain but rather expressed the state of affairs and athmosphere in our country during those times.
On this occasion Martin Hybler wrote a premiere work for solo violin, “Lonely Self”, a composition dealing with the fact that freedom is inner state of human being – inner dissaproval of any obbedience to doctrine attacking human dignity; and therefore while being free, we are lonely in our self.
Authors on the programme were Ervin Schulhoff, Jaroslav Ježek, Karel Sklenička and Klement Slavický.
Wasington DC. Recital, Czech Embassy
Washington DC. Recital, Review
Washington DC., recital for The Victims of Communism Foundation